Couple nights ago my dad was not in the best mood, and I knew that I needed to back off and let him chill. I guess because it's that time of the month, I couldn't resist to start some back talking. He was stressed and I got over whelmed and it ended with me not talking to him for the rest of the night. He felt bad for over reacting and how he didn't handle the situation the way he should have. He tried to forget it happened and was being all kind. I was still just stressed out, so after I talked to my mum about it... we decided I should head to a friends house for the night. My dad, who was still feeling bad offered to drive me. I agreed and went upstairs to grab my stuff. I over heard my mum tell him that all I needed was an apology, and that driving me isnt going to help. I am glad she's here for me.
He never did apologize.
I guess he felt he didn't need to.
Later that night, I had quite the dream!
I dreamed that I was in Penticton with my Dad and we were there for a basketball tournament. We had just finished getting ready for dinner and we were leaving. It was a small restaurant, yet there was no host who sat you. We ate and we were going to have a quick bathroom break, just so we could make it home without having to stop. My Dad went in the boys, and I of course went in the girls. I finished before him, and I decided to go back and grab my stuff at the table to get ready to go. As I walked back to our table, there was a man sitting there. With a weird tone in my voice, as if I was 7, I pronounced "You're not my dad!" The man answered with, "Of course not, would your Dad offer you illegal marijuana?" I realized that he was trying to abduct me, so I backed off. He put his hand in his pocket, and motioned that he had a gun. He saw that my mouth was opening soon to scream, and he says "Don't scream and we can leave quietly." I gave him a sly eyebrow arch, and screamed "HE'S TRYING TO ABDUCT ME!" I pushed one of the chairs at him and tried to run. (for some reason, no one seemed to care and continued eating) He stood up and walked over and shot me. The last that I saw was him walk over to the washroom to go after my Dad. I then blacked out, and died. (at least in my dream.)
I thought this was quite interesting since I was still a bit angry with my Dad. Some of you will laugh, and think it is funny. Which now that I think about it, it is! But I find it so interesting how my brain tapped in on my think at night.
I woke up with short, hasty breaths. All I thought was, "I'm glad that never happened."