Thursday 14 June 2012

A look inside

I've been feeling really creative lately with my music and photography. And I realized that I have not been keeping up with my blog! I mean, my blog is where I should come to get all my creativity out. 

I usually update at night. That may not be a good idea, because sometimes I end up quickly losing my spunk. I could begin to write during the day. After school and before homework or my hobbies. If life was perfect I would have an iPhone and be able to update any time, any where! Sadly, I am stuck with a three year old Keybo that is so scratched up that I can't even text off the front screen in sunlight. *SIGH* 

I have recently found an AMAZING blogger, and I have been so carried away with her writing that I haven't really focused on mine! I keep trying to note to myself little things in her writing, so I can become as good as her. Just got to keep practicing. Not saying that you are my practice... 


School has been picking up hard! I have had five tests in the past two weeks! Ridiculous, I say. 

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